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ADA-Awareness Program for Local Communities
By Santa Monica, CA Thinker.

Click here for the recently revised plan from the Online Think Tank.

There seems to be in the World a slight problem with those confined to wheel chairs feeling somewhat out cast from their local communities and society in general. There are also issues of safety in case of fires or disasters for wheelchair bound ciitzens.

The Online Think Tank looked at this issue and concluded that those in wheelchairs or confined due to some physical challenge have additional capabilities that normal member of societies do not have. One for instance is the extra time to think. We look at Steven Hawkin and others who have given so much knowledge to the world. We also see a former President of the United States who was confined to a wheel chair. Thus proving that if you believe strongly enough there is nothing you cannot do.

When the society fails to see this truth they inadvertently lose out in all the benefits that these individuals bring to us. After much thought and research we have discovered a way to bring unity in local communities to both sides in understanding and therefore allow us full benefit of our wheelchair and physically challenged counterparts. We are all one, we all have value.

Here is one of the earlier projects done 12 years ago.

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